The Missouri Beef Industry Council teamedup with Missouri Wine to hose a workshop with the Southwest Region Missouri Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Dietitians learned about how beef begins on the farm, and how today's farmers and ranchers are able to do more with less, due to advances in animal health, nutrition and genetics. The Missouri Beef Industry Council highlighted cow care and shared a few of the faces of Missouri's 50,000 farm families who are passionate about raising beef.
Dietitians also learned about beef's nutritional story and how they can attain resources and CEU through Beef. It's What's For Dinner. online through the
Beef Nutrition Education Hub.
Missouri Win Marketing Director, Annette Alden, shared an overview of Missouri's historic wine industry. Guests learned about Missouri's graphics varietals, wine labels, chilling, storage and more.
Dietitians from Osage Beach, St. Louis, Rolla and Kansas City were among the participants.
For more recipes, tips and all things beef, visit
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